The Office of Accessibility Services


The mission of the Office of Accessibility Services is to provide academic support services and accommodations for all students enrolled at McNeese State University who have documented disabilities as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). 

Contact Information

A major responsibility of the department is to offer services such as monitored testing, interpreters, and note-takers for students with disabilities that qualify for these academic adjustments.

Frazar Memorial Library 102
Box 92904
Lake Charles, Louisiana 70609
Phone: (337) 475-5916
TDD: (337) 562-4227
1-800-622-3352 ext. 5916
Fax: (337) 475-5878

Tim Delaney, M.S.
Office of Accessibility Services

Hilda Wiley
Administrative Assistant 2
Office of Accessibility Services

Additional Information

Emergency Evacuation, Sheltering, and Shelter-in-Place Plan for Individuals with Disabilities

Voter Registration
The National Voter Registration Act mandates the State of Louisiana to designate as voter registration agencies all offices in the state that provide services to persons with disabilities. McNeese State University Office of Accessibility Services provides assistance with completing and submitting Louisiana Voter Registration Applications/Voter Registration Declaration Form to students with disabilities on an ongoing basis and during authorized voter registration periods. For more information contact the Office of Accessibility Services at (337) 475-5916. For online voter registration or to print out a voter registration form please visit Voter Registration.